Have you ever walked into a showroom and instantly fell in love with a showpiece bathroom? We all have probably had moments like this one. However, while bathroom remodels like the ones in showrooms are feasible, they are intimidating most of the time. Remodeling is a challenging endeavor may it be for a single bathroom or for an entire house. And when you are in a high-end city like New York, things can be even more challenging. An NYC remodel is a difficult project on many aspects. For one, it entails more serious considerations regarding material and labor costs, as well as property tax adjustments. As we all know, price in NYC could get insanely high. Hence, an NYC remodel project must always be dealt with a well thought-out plan. Thinking of remodeling your bath just like that contemporary showpiece you just saw? Here are some helpful tips you need to keep in mind:
- Highlight the correct fixtures – The comfort room, as the name implies, was created to make us feel relieved and at ease. You do not go in a comfort room to play some electronics or stare at a majestic artwork. When remodeling a bath, highlight the fixtures that actually make it functional. Show off your tub, shower; and invest on stylish and functional toilet and sinks. Keep your flooring and walls plain and neutral as much as possible, as you want the attention to focus on your functional features.
- Go for style and safety – While we all want our baths to be as stylish as possible, we would also want them to be safe. The bath is perhaps the most hazardous place in the house due to the likelihood of slips and falls. Choose stylish yet safe flooring tiles that will not only be amusing for the eyes, but will most importantly be safe for you and your family.
- Make it personal – While the saying less is more applies to almost all design concept, if your objective is to make your bathroom more homely and personal, do not hesitate to add personal pieces like picture frames, candles, plants and personalized towels. Be wary however of pieces that may only be hazardous, like electronics.
Redesigning a bathroom from a traditional to a more contemporary form is a complex procedure; because in as much we want to be as stylish as we can, we need to focus on functionality most of the time. When remodeling a bathroom, it is best to not only rely on personal taste and preferences, but to also consult experts who understand the connection between design and functionality best. An NYC bath will sure have space limitations; hence, proper planning is required in order to make sure you will be able to turn that little space you have into not only a contemporary, but also a functional bath.