The home is where we are supposed to feel most relaxed and unstressed. However, there just seems to inevitable things in the house that instead of making us feel better, stresses us out a lot; like a disorganized, chaotic closet. Who would not want an organized dresser, right? Would not it be cool to easily find out the clothes you need when you need them, and the accessories you need amidst all these drawers? The thing is that sometimes, the disorder goes way too far and reorganization does not seem achievable by simply cleaning up. In some cases, homeowners end up doing total closet overhauls. When living in New York City for example, life can get really busy; and cleaning up your closet could become less of a daily priority. Through some brilliant remodeling tricks however, you can transform your dresser into something that will not only be more organized, but something that is actually beautiful. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Island dresser – Who would not love a walk-in closet? If you are living in NYC and you happen to have a room spacious enough to be a dedicated dresser, then you are lucky enough to do an awesome NYC remodel. If you have this space, maximize it by adding this sophisticated feature. What else speaks of sophistication better than an island dresser, right? Aside from upscaling your dresser, this will actually add more functionality and convenience. You can put as much storage in your island dresser. Moreover, you can maximize the top for additional storage or some décor to make it more elegant.
- Cubbies for footwear – Shoes often make a dresser messy. When shoes are piled on top of each other for example, this does not only make you dresser look chaotic, it actually makes your shoes dirtier and dirtier by the day. Hence, given the space, why not build cubbies for your footwear? Individual cubbies mean your shoes will not get deformed and dirty as they have their own clean, dedicated spaces.
- Pull out ironing board – Some people can do the ironing anywhere in the house. Some does it near the laundry area, some does it in the bedroom, while some does it in the living room. Imagine the convenience of just having to pull out that ironing from your cabinet and flattening your clothes where you can easily keep them. Is it not brilliant? You can do this by asking carpenters to customize a pull-out ironing board that attaches to your dresser. You may also incorporate some pull out clothes baskets to complete the functionality.
Organization in the home is something everybody need. Simple NYC remodel ideas like this definitely make city living less stressful and more fun. So if you are planning to makeover that chaotic dresser soon, these are definitely great ideas to talk to your designer about.