The primary role of your bathroom is to give you a place where you can bathe. Hence, the shower area is probably the most important part of any bathroom. Because of this, you need to take careful consideration in choosing the right type of showerhead if you are planning on going through with a bathroom remodeling project. There are different types of showerheads available so making the right choice might seem like a difficult task and picking the right one will depend on your needs and preferences.
While the number of showerheads available in the market today might seem overwhelming, there are just two basic types that you can choose from. You can choose a fixed showerhead or a handheld showerhead. As their names imply, fixed showerheads are permanently mounted to a wall in your shower enclosure. While they are mounted in place, some models can be adjusted vertically so that people with different height preferences can use them. Most fixed showerheads can also be adjusted on a horizontal axis. On the other hand, handheld showerheads often come with a flexible tube so that you can hold the showerhead in your hand and wash specific areas of your body. While some people opt for one or the other, you could install one of each during your bathroom remodeling project for a versatile shower area that can address many needs.
Once you have decided on what type of showerhead to install, you will also need to pay attention to water flow. Different showerheads of different water flow parameters. If you are conscious about using too much water, you should opt for a low flow showerhead. This type of showerhead uses less water compared to regular showerheads. Lower water flow settings can translate to less water wasted and more savings.
With these facts in mind, you can now make a more informed decision regarding which type of showerhead to purchase for your bathroom remodeling needs.
Visit for free consultation advice from accredited NYC bathroom remodeling experts and get a free estimate for your renovation.