There are things that actually make petite homes adorable. Small homes easily overflows with creative inspiration, they are cozy, intimate and can easily be made romantic. Plus, small homes are, of course, much easier to maintain than full-scale suburban townhouses. These are probably some of the reasons why apartments in New York City are very distinctive. Since most units in NYC are small, it is easier for most dwellers to go full on creative in making over their places. However, one thing that even small dwellings enthusiasts will not appreciate about small homes is an untidy bathroom. Small bathrooms are supposed to be easier to clean and style up. Hence, if you feel like your small bathroom needs a break, here are few creative ideas to help you make the most of that small space through a bathroom remodel:
- Breezy beach – Who does not like a breezy day at the beach? For a small, suffocating bathroom, having a feel of the cool breeze and the sunny atmosphere of the beach sure helps. To achieve this, you need to get rid of individual closets that are obviously crowding the room. Connect the closet with the counter on one side of the wall. The wood needs to have the color of the sand. Paint the wall with light blue or teal tones, then add a backsplash of shiny dark blue and green tiles. Use dark tiles for the floor to emulate the depth of the sea. Add accents with seashells and pebbles to complete the breezy beach effect.
- Zen getaway – Your apartment, big or small, must always feel like a place of refuge for you. This goes the same with you bathroom no matter how tiny it is. One of the easiest ways to give your bathroom a relaxing feel is to give it a Zen theme. Zen is a good theme for small bathrooms as it makes use of minimalist elements and a good contrast of light and dark tones. You may replace the counter with a long, dark wood table that has a basin-like sink – the faucet should be hanging out from the wall. Place a large, rectangular mirror in one of the bigger walls and use a Japanese room divider to cover up the tub. Incorporate tall, minimalist plants and small fountains to complete the impression.
- Asian escape – Asian inspired rooms just have that natural relaxing effect with them. When this theme gets incorporated in a bathroom remodel, it will give it a relaxing spa feel. Oriental accents are easily found from home center and even in garage sales and flea markets. The usual Asian color palette includes dark brown and red tones, off white base colors, plus accents of yellow and gold. Use minimalist wooden tables instead of huge counters. Paint an accent wall with a dark brown tone, and tile the floor with a material of the same hue. Incorporate Asian vases and wood work as accent pieces to complete the effect.
The size of a house or a bathroom must never be an excuse not to have a creative remodel. As a matter of fact, it should be easier for you to get creative with your bathroom if it is small. Instead, use a creative remodel to make up for the small floor area of your bathroom. Besides, would not it be great to be surprised at how magnificent a small space can be after a remodel? Start your own remodel through these design inspirations to find out.