There are many factors that homeowners should consider when having their kitchen sinks replaced during a kitchen remodeling project. Whether you’re replacing your old sink because of previous damages or you just want a more functional sink, you should know what to look for in an ideal sink. Below are some important factors to consider when choosing a new kitchen sink:
Sinks come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some come with only one basin whereas others come with multiple basins. The advantage of a multi-basin sinks is that you can have more work done on it like stacking dirty dishes on one basin and washing ingredients on the other at the same time. However, a large, multi-basin sink can also take up a lot of space so if countertop space is a luxury for you, it might be a better idea to stick to a smaller option.
Plumbing Considerations
When having a new sink installed, you have to check with your kitchen remodeling contractor if your current plumbing can support your new sink. Since plumbing can cost a lot of money, you might want to stick to options that your current plumbing system can support. This will not only help you save money but it’ll also speed up the remodeling process.
Stainless steel is one of the most practical and cost-effective options for kitchen sinks but there are also several other viable options if you’re willing to explore. Copper, for instance, is a great option for kitchen sinks. Copper gives off a traditional look and its color can also create a huge impact on how your kitchen looks. If you’re going for copper, you have to check how thick the material is, thicker copper is more durable than sinks with thinner copper but it can also be quite pricey. If you choose the right kind of copper sink, it can last you for a very long time especially if you maintain it properly.
Choosing a new sink can be a daunting task but with the help of a kitchen remodeling expert, you should be able to choose the right one for your needs with no trouble.