There is something about nature that always calms us. It is as if nature is a way for the body to feel at home and close to its biological sanctuary. At home, we always want to feel like we are in a sanctuary. And what better way to make this happen by doing an apartment renovation that will get the home closer to our natural environment, right? However, is incorporating potted plants not enough to take the home closer to nature? What are the more inventive ways on how make the home more of a natural haven for the family? Here are a few ways on how you can pull off a feasible renovation that will take your home closer to nature:
Tall Porches with Huge Glass Windows and Wooden Furniture
Porches are a great place to hang out when you want to instantly connect with the natural world. It makes you appreciate your surrounding and the fresh air outside. However, a tiny porch may not achieve this, as there will not be much to see. Build your porch with a high ceiling. This will make it more comfortable for you and your family to hang out in this area during warm seasons. The high ceiling allows more air to circulate, and the huge glass windows allow as much natural lighting in the house.
Do Not Alter Your Land’s Natural Topography as Much as You Can
Some homeowners prefer modifying the terrains of their lands before building their houses. While this makes it easier for builder to build the house, you actually loose the natural structure of your land, which you can nonetheless appreciate by building through terrains. Especially if you are living in the city, you need as much natural elements as you can have to keep you grounded on your natural roots. Use the natural terrains to enhance your landscape. While potted plans help remind you of what it is to be close to nature, nothing will bring your closer to nature than keeping your land’s natural structure as your do an apartment renovation.
Stay True to Your House’s History
Another way of staying close to nature is by staying true to a house’s historical identity. Although renovations are about giving your home a new look, this does not necessarily mean taking away the relevance of the house’s historical past. Keep this idea in mind as you redecorate and improve the fixtures; because staying close to nature means respecting what has been in it for a long time.
There are thousands of ways on how we can improve the house. Some could simply do lighting improvements, repainting, or flooring replacements. However, nothing appears better than renovating to keep the home as close to nature as possible. Being close to nature was proven to give homeowner a psychological and emotional boost. So keep these tips in mind to make your next renovation as close to nature as you can.