Choosing kitchen storage might seem like a matter of choosing among 2 or 3 choices but there are actually a lot more options out there than you think. For one thing, cabinet doors aren’t just limited to those that open completely outwards. The type of storage you choose for your kitchen must have the functionality you require and the aesthetic appeal you desire. Whether you lack space or you’re just looking for more practical storage solutions for your kitchen, the following storage types might tickle your fancy:
Sliding Cabinet Doors
If you’re the type to want to hide everything from plain sight for easy kitchen maintenance, then sliding cabinet doors might be perfect for you. Instead of opening outwards, they work like regular sliding doors and have to be opened to the left or right exposing the storage unit inside. This is the perfect solution for hiding small appliances while still keeping them readily accessible. Once you slide the door open, you have a prep space ready for cooking. Since these require special hinges and installation, you will need to employ the services of a kitchen remodeling professional but it’ll all be worth it in the end.
Pocket Cabinet Doors
Perfect for transforming closed cabinets into open shelving spaces, pocket cabinet doors work just like pocket doors except they open up to storage space instead of another room or area of your home. They look just like regular cabinets when closed but the doors can be hidden when opened. They’re not only superior in terms of aesthetics but also quite practical so you won’t have to worry about bumping your head onto the doors when you are busy cooking. Consult a kitchen remodeling professional for quotes on material costs and installation.
Installing Corner Drawers
Don’t have enough space for storage? Look into the corners of your countertop for that much needed extra space. There are available countertops with built-in corner drawers so you won’t have to have them installed but if you want to work on your existing furniture, you might want to hire a kitchen remodeling professional to do the job for you, as it will require major work on your existing countertops.