A lot of people have the tendency to cut corners on a lot of things especially when money is concerned. While saving money is a good idea, you should never sacrifice quality or safety for the sake of keeping a little extra cash. This is especially true when it comes to NYC bathroom remodeling.
A lot of people choose to either do the work themselves or look for somebody who can do it cheap. These people may not realize that installing electrical wiring improperly in the bathroom can cause serious damage and is a very large security risk as it may cause fires. It is definitely in your best interests to hire a certified electrician for your NYC bathroom renovation.
You should also know that there is a certain code that you must follow when it comes to electrical wiring. Before completing your renovation, the wiring must be inspected and must pass before being able to finish anything.
There are a few things you can do to make sure you find a person qualified for the job.
- Ask for references and their liability insurance policy. Do not even consider anybody that refuses to show their reference.
- Ask about the price and compare it with other contractors. Being much higher or much lower than the rest may show just how experienced or how untrustworthy a contractor is.
- Be sure to check out their permits. There have been cases of contractors with ample experience in the matter but have not been cleared to work in the local area.
- Get everything down in writing. Be sure to include dates and the complete spectrum of work to be accomplished.
Visit KBR‘s for free consultation advice from accredited NYC bathroom remodeling experts and get a free estimate for your renovation.