In a typical bathroom, you can expect the layout to be a big square where four corners are divided into tub, toilet, sink, and a dresser. We have been accustomed to this type for decades and most households today are still utilizing this simple layout.
Today, there have been waves of changes with how we do things. Hence, where and how we do those things should also change. Like in our bathroom, if we want to have relaxing bathroom visits where we can read in private, relax in a mini-spa, and be pampered with a luxurious bath, using the conventional layout will not work out with this.
In a typical bathroom showroom today, you will see unique layouts or shapes you never considered using for a bathroom. Depending on the user, the size and shape may vary. Bathrooms are becoming more personal spaces and many people remodel their bathroom to match their tastes and lifestyle by adding walk-in closets or building a very large bathroom so that they can fit in things like a home spa or add a relaxing corner where they can sit and enjoy themselves.
If your bathroom is positioned in such a way that windows can be added, then it is highly recommended that you include them in your bathroom remodeling so as to let in natural sunlight. Windows can add a nice touch to any room and it will also improve your ventilation.
A bathroom showroom of varying layouts can inspire you, as it has many others before you considering bathroom remodeling. It can also serve as a one-stop solution if you like the bathrooms on display, you can speak with the contractor who designed it and you can work out the cost of building something like this or similar to this.